Motivated by the need to connect islanders Alliance Platforma Hvar has designed an interactive web calendar of events for the entire Hvar island. A special feature of this calendar is the ability for organizers to create events themselves which greatly contributes to better communication with the audience and better updates to the calendar itself. The calendar has the ability to filter events by city event is held in , giving each city and municipality its own calendar of events. It also has the ability to search events for the whole island.
Designing and creating a web calendar is part of the EU project DKC: Plan K. Project holder is Alliance Platforma Hvar, and the partners are the City of Hvar, the Hvar Youth Drama Studio, the Mediterranean Film Festival Split, the Hvar Town Library and Reading Room, Lag Škoji, Pjover Association.
The goal of the “DKC: Plan K” project is to contribute to the development of trust between the City of Hvar, associations and citizens for the purpose of working together in the social and cultural life of the city and the island of Hvar. Namely, during the past years we have concluded that the distrust among the stakeholders is the biggest challenge in working together and creating better life on the island for all of us. We believe that education and networking is the key to building trust and is the backbone of our project activities.
Through the implementation of project activities, we will contribute to the empowerment and networking of associations, the City and citizens for the purpose of continuous and coordinated action in the creation and implementation of social and cultural content in the city and on the island of Hvar.
Expected project results:
The project is co-founded by the European Union from the European Social Fund in the amount of HRK 769,766.14, running from 29 October 2018 to 29 April 2020.
Project Manager: Nena Kolak
Project Activities Coordinator: Mira Ćurin
If you require any further information, feel free to contact us via e-mail: [email protected].
Links to the relevant websites and the site of the operational program from which the project was co-financed: